Resource Books on Court Decisions on the Rights of Women, Persons with Disabilities, Transgender Persons, and Dalit/Adivasi Persons

Ongoing | Disability Rights, Discrimination & Intersectionality, Gender & Sexuality, Transgender Rights | 2024-2025

In partnership with the German Embassy, CLPR will publish four Resource Books on recent Supreme Court and High Court decisions affecting the rights of women, persons with disabilities, transgender persons, and Dalits & Adivasis. The aim is to provide advocates with essential judgements to better support these communities.


CLPR aims to produce four Resource Books covering the most important court decisions having an impact of the rights of the 4 target groups (women, persons with disabilities, transgender persons and Dalit I Adivasi persons) and disseminate the Resource Books in order to promote the awareness and access to their constitutional rights in partnership with the German Embassy.

The project’s intended beneficiaries constitute some of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups subjected to various forms of discrimination and inequalities. While legislative frameworks and important court decisions are passed, there is often a lack of awareness of these court developments, because many of the decisions are long and complicated and also non-accessible to the affected communities. Hence, it is necessary that there are comprehensive resource materials on the legal developments, especially Supreme Court and High Court judgements on the rights of these 4 target groups.

The primary goal of this project is to address the pervasive lack of awareness and in-depth understanding among vulnerable and marginalized groups regarding judicial decisions designed to protect their constitutional rights and to create a comprehensive Resource Books that will serve as a valuable tools for organizations dedicated to the welfare of each of these specific target groups, as well as those focusing on intersections between these groups.


Jayna Kothari

Executive Director

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Nithya Rajshekhar

Senior Research Associate

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Disha Chaudhari

Senior Research Associate

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