ConQuest 2017 was organised between August and September 2017.
The East Regional Rounds took place on 5th August 2017 in collaboration with NUJS, Kolkata.
35 teams from colleges in Orissa, Bihar, Guwahati and West Bengal registered for the Preliminary Round. We saw participation from law schools – NUJS -Kolkata, CNLU -Patna, NLU – Odisha, St. Xaviers College, Loreto College, IIT Kharagpur, Presidency University, and Jadavpur University.
First Place: Abhinav Kumar and Kartik Chouhan; NUJS.
Second Place: Kshitij Maheshwari and Pranaav Gupta; NUJS.
Third Place: Surya Vashistha and Risabh Rajdev; NUJS.
On 11th August 2017 we held the South Regional Rounds in association with School of Law, Christ University.
60 teams from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Telangana took part in the rounds: NLSIU, NALSAR, SLCU, TN NLS, University Law College, BMS Law College, CMR Law College, KLE Law College, St. Joseph’s College of Law. PES University, Christ University, Bishop Cottons Women’s Christian College, St. Joseph’s College and high-school teams from NPS HSR, Bishop Cotton’s Boys School, and Vidyaniketan participated.
First Place: Jeydev C.S and Abbhishek Choudhary; NLSIU
Second Place: Anirudh R.S and Nikhil Chandra R; SLCU
Third Place: Ritvik and Preetam; PES University.
The North Regional Round was conducted at National Law University, Delhi on 19th August 2017.
We saw participation of 82 teams from Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. JNU, Hindu College, IIM Lucknow, NIT Delhi, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar College, Deshbandhu College,Lady Irwin College, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, IP University, Ashoka University, Sri Venkateswara College, Ramjas College, Indraprastha College For Women, Delhi Technological University, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Kirori Mal College participated in the quiz.
First Place: Ashish Kr. Singh and Abhishek Paliwal; Ramjas College.
Second Place: Jayant Verma and Arnav Sharma; CLC, DU.
Third Place: Arpan Banerjee and Akshay Seal; Hindu College.
On 26th August 2017 we organised the West Regional Round at Symbiosis Law School, Pune.
56 teams from Pune, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa took part in the written preliminary round. BITS Pilani Goa, GLC Mumbai, RTMNU, Wadia College, AGC Pune, IIT Bombay, BMCC, Singhad Institute of Management, COEP Pune, AFMC Pune, Symbiosis Institute of Management, PICT Pune participated in the quiz.
First Place: Anand Kumar and Nirmal Mathew; GNLU
Second Place: Karan Kamath and Amey Pilay; SLS Pune.
Third Place: Ankit Choudhury and Anurag Choudhury; PICT.
The following teams took part in the National Final Round:
- North Zone: Ramjas College, Delhi; Campus Law Centre, Delhi University.
- West Zone: Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar; Symbiosis Law School, Pune.
- East Zone: 2 teams from West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.
- South Zone: National Law School of India University, Bangalore; School of Law CHRIST, Bangalore.
The National Finals took place on 1st September 2017 at School of Law, Christ University.

First Place: Karan Kamath and Amey Pilay; SLS, Pune
Second Place: Ashish Kr. Singh and Abhishek Paliwal; Ramjas College
Third Place: Jeydev C S and Abhishek Choudhary; NLSIU
Watch of National Finals here: