Vikramaditya Sahai


Vikramaditya Sahai is a post graduate in political science from University of Delhi. They have previously worked as faculty at the Gender Studies Department, Ambedkar University, Delhi and as a consultant on a project to study non-normative sexuality and gender housed at the Advanced Centre for Women Studies, TISS, Bombay.

They are interested in sex, feeling, and the structure and narrative of living in their relation with forms of sociality, law and politics.




The Trans Act Is A Reflection Of Our Broken Democracy

September 7, 2020

In this opinion piece published by Huff Post, Vikramaditya Sahai argues that how trans politics and their demands challenge the logic of representative democracy that holds the formation of the National Council for Transgender Persons as signs of development and progress itself. 

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Exclusion Amplified: A report on how the pandemic has impacted the trans and intersex community in India

July 25, 2020

This Report is an attempt at presenting the needs and rights of the trans community as enshrined in our constitution to enable a just and dignified life during the Covid pandemic. It documents the specific vulnerabilities of the trans community in India and also suggests ways to address them.

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CLPR | Trans Law Quarterly | Issue III & IV

July 8, 2021

It has been a year since the first Lockdown in March 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Yet things seem far from over, not just with this virus but that we still continue to suffer the effects of those months we were isolated and distanced – not just in our well being but in our capacities to gather, to protest, to create the world we need to live in.

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Turf not TERF: Feminism, Solidarity and Trans Persons

June 25, 2021

In a workshop in May, Kamla Bhasin, poet, and social activist offered her take on feminist activism, which she defined in rather narrow, perhaps stifling ways. Feminism, according to her, was not about race, or caste, or trans issues, or the ecology, “and so on”; it is only and exclusively about the struggle against patriarchy, misogyny, and the control of men and/over women.

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CLPR | Trans Law Quarterly | Issue II

September 7, 2020

    E D I T O R I A L We are still in…

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