The Unique Identification Number and the National Population Register

August 6, 2013 | Dr. Sudhir Krishnaswamy

This essay (published in the book “In the Wake of Aadhaar: The Digital Ecosystem of Governance in India”) investigates the present legal status of both the UIDAI and the National Population Register in terms of their constitutional status. Often presented in opposition to each other, the author argues that, constitutionally speaking, they have to be viewed together, not only because of the similarities that the two posses despite their alleged differences, but because both – along with other initiatives – pose significant challenges to concerns about citizen privacy and the special conditions under which States can waive privacy concerns in the national interest.


Read the full piece here.


Dr. Sudhir Krishnaswamy, 'The Unique Identification Number and the National Population Register' (06 Aug 2013) <> accessed on 27 Oct 2024