Facebook, Hate Speech & Corporate Criminal Liability: Business & Human Rights Obligations of Communication Technology-Based Platforms

February 12, 2021 | Almas Shaikh

With the recent event of the US Capitol Hill Siege, the question of corporate criminal liability has yet again come to the fore. Though the basic intent of the communication technology platforms remains communication, businesses and states are using it to evoke feelings of anger, hate and certain instances of violence. In this article, Ms Almas Shaikh, Research Associate at Centre for Law and Policy Research discusses the need for corporate criminal liability to stop human rights violations and ensure the development of technology in a responsible manner.


Almas Shaikh, 'Facebook, Hate Speech & Corporate Criminal Liability: Business & Human Rights Obligations of Communication Technology-Based Platforms' (RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) , 12 Feb 2021) <http://rsrr.in/2021/02/11/technology-corporate-criminal-liability/> accessed on 27 Mar 2025