Exclusion Amplified: A report on how the pandemic has impacted the trans and intersex community in India


This report details the impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on the transgender community and the consequent deprivation of livelihood, healthcare, food security, and housing among others. It serves to highlight the experiences of trans persons in the amplification of their specific vulnerabilities and the exclusion of trans persons in disaster management policies as a violation of their human rights. The report has also come up with various recommendations recognizing the vulnerability of trans persons, gender non-conforming and intersex persons, having an intersectional approach during policy formulation, providing monthly cash transfers, housing, health facilities, and creating more awareness and sensitization towards the issues of transgender communities.


Vikramaditya Sahai, Almas Shaikh, Aj Agrawal, Jayalakshmi, 'Exclusion Amplified: A report on how the pandemic has impacted the trans and intersex community in India' (CLPR, Bangalore, 2020, 25 Jul 2020) <https://clpr.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ExclusionAmplified.pdf> accessed on 29 Mar 2025