Constitutional Local Government @ 25 | The Future of Urban Governance in India | Agenda

December 5, 2018 | Mathew Idiculla

Constitutional Local Government @ 25

The Future of Urban Governance in India

Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore

December 8, 2018



9:30 am – 10:00 am: Registration and Breakfast


10:00 am – 10:30 am: Introduction of the Project and Discussion

Sudhir Krishnaswamy(Professor, Azim Premji University and Managing Trustee, Centre for Law and Policy Research)

Mathew Idiculla (Research Consultant, Centre for Law and Policy Research)


10:30 am – 11:15 am: Institutional Framework of Urban Local Government

Presenters: Sudhir Krishnaswamy and Mathew Idiculla

Respondent: Amita Bhide (Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences)


11:15 am– 11:30 am: Coffee Break


11:30 am – 12:15 pm: Urban Planning and Land Regulation

Presenter: Shahana Chattaraj (Visiting Fellow, Centre for Policy Research)

Respondent: Brinda Sastry(Adjunct Faculty, RV School of Architecture)


12:15 pm – 1:00 pm: Municipal Finance Systems and Processes

Presenter: Matthew Glasser (Centre for Urban Law and Finance in Africa)

Respondent: Srikanth V (CEO, Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy)


1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch


2:00 pm – 2:45 pm: Housing Rights and Urban Equity

Presenter: Miloon Kothari (Independent Expert on Human Rights and Social Policy)

Respondent: Anjali Mohan(Anode Governance Lab and Indian Housing Federation)


2:45 pm – 3:30 pm: Urban Commons and Sustainability

Presenter: Abhayraj Naik(Independent Researcher and Consultant on Sustainability)

Respondent: Bejoy Thomas (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment)


3:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Coffee Break


3:45 pm – 4:30 pm: Civic Participation and Service Delivery

Presenter: Siddharth Swaminathan (Azim Premji University)

Respondent: Meena Nair (Public Affairs Centre)


4:30 pm – 5:15 pm: Digital Democracy and Smart Cities

Presenter: Jessica Seddon (WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities)

Respondent: Nafis Hasan (PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles)


5:15 pm – 5:30 pm: Discussion on the future agenda of the project


Mathew Idiculla


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