Jayna Kothari

Executive Director

Jayna is a co-founder of CLPR. She is a Senior Advocate and practices in the Supreme Court of India. She graduated from University Law College with a B.A. LL.B degree and read the BCL at Oxford University. Jayna was awarded the Wrangler D.C. Pavate Fellowship in Cambridge University.

Jayna’s research and practice interests include constitutional law, gender and sexuality law, disability rights and discrimination law. She had argued in the Supreme Court in the recent constitutional challenges to Section 377 and adultery which were both decriminalized. She also argued the Independent Thought case in which the Supreme Court recognized child marital rape as a criminal offence. Her book, “The Future of Disability Law in India” was published in 2012 by Oxford University Press.



Is there such a thing as a “good” UCC?

March 24, 2024

In this opinion piece published by the Splainer, CLPR Executive Director Jayna Kothari & Research Associate Medha Garg, trace and analyse the complexities of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and interrogate the idea of a ‘good’ UCC.

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Law, motherhood and the single woman: Discrimination and surrogacy in India

February 19, 2024

Senior Advocate and Executive Director of CLPR, Jayna Kothari, pens her thoughts on the legal challenges faced by single women in India regarding surrogacy and bias in the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021.

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The need to disclose political donations

November 28, 2023

The amendments made to the Representation of the People Act 1951 and other laws which provide for electoral bonds, provide complete anonymity to political donors. However, the requirement all over the world on this issue on the other hand has been the diametrical opposite.

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CLPR | Trans Law Quarterly | Issue VI

June 28, 2022

This Pride Month, we are happy to present to you the VI Issue of our Trans Law Quarterly. In the past two years of the pandemic, we witnessed the tireless efforts of LGBTQIA+ activists, policymakers, litigants and judicial officers which resulted in timely court orders and policies safeguarding and advancing the rights of transgender persons. Putting together the quarterly has provided us a chance to reflect on how far we have come and how long the road ahead is.

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CLPR | Trans Law Quarterly | Issue V

March 3, 2022

On Trans Day of Visibility, we bring you the 5th Issue of Trans Law Quarterly. The last few months have witnessed an expansion of avenues where trans rights have gained recognition. Perhaps it is the need to rebuild our lives, in hopefully a post-pandemic world, that has given fresh impetus to both, individuals and institutions, to move towards a more equitable society.

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Access, Equality and Trans Inclusion in Education | Roundtable 1 | Transform 2021

January 12, 2022

  This is a brief summary of the panel on Equality in Education at Transform…

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